Urgent Action: US Navy Sets Up New Cell for Rapid Response in Crises, Focusing on Ukraine and Taiwan

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The United States Navy is setting up a new procurement division, dubbed the Maritime Accelerated Response Capability Cell (MARCC), that is intended to swiftly respond to international crises. According to an internal memo acquired by Breaking Defense, the cell will primarily concentrate on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the potential future conflict surrounding Taiwan.

The document signed by Frederick Stefany, the acting acquisition executive, clarifies that the newly established MARCC will take charge of organizing and coordinating immediate Department of Navy responses in light of urgent Department of Defense security cooperation tasks, and support for contingency operations.

The MARCC is expected to adapt dynamically to emerging conflicts or urgent requirements from the Department of Defense, with an initial emphasis on Ukraine, Taiwan, and contingency support.

The main purpose of the MARCC, as outlined in the memo, is to expedite the selection and dissemination of various naval capabilities to assist U.S. units, allies, or any other groups that the Pentagon is responsible for supporting in a crisis situation. Essentially, this new Navy division is taking over the Pentagon’s responsibilities, which have been managed on an ad-hoc basis, to equip Ukraine with necessary weaponry and vehicles to resist Russian aggression.

The cell’s unique focus is on providing operational capabilities to allies and partners in crises, with an explicit initial emphasis on Ukraine and Taiwan, which distinguishes it from existing procurement units.

The MARCC, led by an executive director and supervised by a board of directors, will operate with maximum independence to ensure utmost responsiveness. It will also oversee and account for any assistance provided.

This development is especially significant in the light of recent news revealing a $3 billion discrepancy in the Pentagon’s estimation of its aid to Ukraine. The Navy has yet to comment on this report.

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