What is in store for Russians and world after Vladimir Putin became President of Russia, yet again?

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Blog Summary:
  • Vladimir Putin has begun his fifth term as President of Russia, with an inauguration ceremony attended by top political leaders and military officials.

Vladimir Putin has begun his Presidency in Russia, for fifth term. An inauguration ceremony held in Kremlin and was attended by country’s top political leaders and military officials. Putin started his journey as a president in 2000, and is continuing it. However, many European nations and United States disagreed with the whole elections episode and distanced their representatives by attending it. According to the information, Putin won stage managed election, with the majority in March and is able to form his government, once again. Certainly, he did not face any credible opposition as, either opponents are jailed, or barred from running into elections, deported or the worst, dead. He won by 87% votes, in this year’s election and gained criticism from other nations. US called it ‘Farcical’ whereas Lithuania’s Foreign Minister said, that they continue to isolate Russia for its criminal leader, Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated, that the country do not recognize him (Putin) as a democratically elected and legitimate president of Russia.
Putin in inauguration ceremony while delivering speech mentioned relations with western countries, after the war with Ukraine. He said, ‘Do they intend to continue trying to restrain the development of Russia, continue the policy of aggression, continuous pressure on our country for years, or look for a path to cooperation and peace?’ quoted Al Jazeera.
Mr. Digvijay Singh is a lecturer of International relations and also comments professionally in newspapers. According to him, Putin is here for longer period. He said, ‘Vladimir Putin has served longer than any other leader, since Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. He is a determined and strong leader with a different ideology. Even though there are several western leaders, who claim to know him better, he ends up doing complete opposite to the assumptions. Today, Russia has been one of the powerful countries in world, under his presidency.’ However, he also added that, at present he is declared criminal by various European nations, and international organizations, which is not a matter of concern to him. ‘The western leader who arguably knew him (Putin) best was Germany’s former chancellor Angela Merkel. who is once reputed to have described him as out of touch with reality and in another world. She repeatedly tried to negotiate with Vladimir Putin, but after he sent troops to invade Kyiv she came to the conclusion, he wants to destroy Europe’, quoted BBC.
What made Vladimir Putin, Russian’s first choice for president despite pictured as a biggest offender in 2021? Here’s what Mr. Singh told EAT news, ‘Putin is a man of words. If you look at his personality, he is presentable yet a powerful man. He has become famous among Russians and especially young ones, within the period of his work tenure. While Putin communicated the reason of Russia-Ukraine war, as an effort to protect rights of Russians in Donbas, and to prevent NATO encroachment into former soviet space, people have backed the narrative and his decision. Government has increased military salaries, and hypocrisy of west countries has also played a significant role in assuring Russians for their president. Not only this, Russia has economically performed better in last years, by completely getting rid of dependency on other countries for resources.’ Earlier at the war, Putin declared Russia’s ability to provide fully itself all the natural resources, countries including United States announced to cut ties and isolate Russia, during the beginning of war.
Recent terrorist attack outside Moscow, in Russia, killed 144 people and injured hundreds of them. It was one of the deadliest attacks in country’s history and Europe, since Beslan school seize in 2004. Despite of ISIS taking the responsibility publicly for carrying the attack, President Putin did not hesitate, blaming Ukraine’s involvement in it. He also started new approach towards migrants living in country, after he detained Tajiks. Mr. Singh said, it was an expected action. ‘Usually, when a country’s security at risk or a suspected threat, migrants or people living temporarily within borders of the country, are taken into account. And Russia with larger geographical area, is an easy target for criminals to hide and continue their illegal work’, said Mr. Singh. ‘We need to deeply and radically update our approaches to migration policy. The decisive principle should be that only those who respect our traditions, language, culture and history can come to live and work in Russia. It is necessary to ensure the interests and security of the state and society, to conserve and preserve interethnic and interreligious harmony, our cultural and linguistic identity, all that is Russia’s strength’, quoted Reuters.
While results of elections in Russia were condemned in west, calling it ‘unfair’ and ‘undemocratic’, countries like India and China congratulated Vladimir Putin for his next work tenure, and showed him the support. Both the leaders of countries wished him on his victory, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi posted on X, that he is looking forward to maintain time tested special and privileged strategic partnership with the country, whereas Chinese media declared his win as a ‘certainty to a world in turbulence’. Future will clear, whether Putin will bring assurance in world or will worse the chaos.

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Shefali Ranawat is an Eat News correspondent in India. She want to be the voice of people. Also, she aim to be a war correspondent.


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